# Redux

# What is it? When to use it?

  • A state management library for React.
  • To be used in a complex application. We can do async Redux with thunks and sagas.
  • Nowadays, we have valid alternatives for simpler apps: React Context and useReducer. Do not use Redux unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Redux code is super testable.
  • Main components of Redux:
    • Actions are objects of information that we send from our application to the store. We send them using store.dispatch(). They have a type and then the action itself.
    • Reducers describe how the state changes in response to actions we perform. Actions only tell what happened, while reducers tell how the state changes with that action.
    • Store is the object that brings actions and reducers together. It is the source of truth.
    • Middleware is a point between when we dispatch the action and it reaches the reducer. We can do anything we want with middleware.
    • Thunks are functions that wrap an expression to delay its evaluation. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. It is commonly used in working with Async Redux.

A simplest case example:

// Defining an action. This nomenclature is common practice.
const ADD = "ADD";

// Action creator:
function addMessage(message) {
  return {
    type: ADD,

// Reducer:
function messageReducer(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ADD:
      return [...state, action.message];
      return state;

// Creating the store
const store = Redux.createStore(messageReducer);