# JavaScript 30

# CSS Variables

  • Declared in the :root with --varname
  • To use them -> var(--name)
  • nodeList !== array
  • Attributes that start with data-xxx are custom attributes, made up. We need to prefix them with data- (spec)
  • this.dataset will select the data-xxx attributes
  • If you update a css variable, all the selectors that use it will update as well
  • Example:
    • Declaring it (usually in the :root:
        element {
          --main-bg-color: brown;
    • Using it:
        element {
          background-color: var(--main-bg-color);

# Array Cardio

  • Array.sort -> callback function establishing the sorting order. For example: (a,b) => (a-b)
  • Array.reduce -> is like one of those for loops where you add to a count variable.
  • reduce first takes a callback function with accumulator, currentvalue, then another argument with the initial value.
  • console.table returns a table
  • Array.from() creates an array from another type of data, like DOM nodes
  • You can call querySelector on other things, not only the document object
  • Array.includes() returns boolean on the argument
  • .some tests if at least one element passes the test of the callback fn.
  • .find returns the value of the first element that passes the test callback.
  • .findIndex returns the index of the first element that passes the test

# Ajax Type-Ahead

  • When fetching, we always have to use the .json() prototype included in promises
  • We cannot include a variable in a regex: we need to create a new regex variable by doing new RegExp(variable, 'gi') for example
  • In an input it is common to add change and keyUp listeners

# Chrome Console Tricks

  • Right click -> break on -> subtree modifications
  • console.assert() only fires if it is wrong. Tests something in the first element.
  • console.dir
  • console.time, console.timeEnd
  • console.table

# Shift Checkboxes

  • Flag variable -> we declare a Boolean variable, for example let food = false;. Then we can check for a condition (if statement) and inside that block set food =!food. This will toggle between true or false without having to manually set it.
  • To check two expressions: food === 'good' || food === 'bad', and NOT food === 'good' || 'bad'.

# Custom Video Player

# Konami Code

const pressed = [];
const secretCode = 'wesbos';

window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
  pressed.splice(-secretCode.length - 1, pressed.length - secretCode.length);
  if (pressed.join('').includes(secretCode)) {
    //We can do anything we want in

# Slide in on scroll animation

  • Debouncer function: to save a function to execute constantly. We do this to enhance perfomance. Currently used in scroll Events.

  • We calculate our scroll position and add a CSS class to the image when we scroll to a desired position. In this case, when we reach half of the image, we add the class that shows the image with the slidein effect (CSS)

 function checkSlide() {
      sliderImages.forEach(sliderImage => {
        // half way through the image
        const slideInAt = (window.scrollY + window.innerHeight) - sliderImage.height / 2;
        // bottom of the image
        const imageBottom = sliderImage.offsetTop + sliderImage.height;
        const isHalfShown = slideInAt > sliderImage.offsetTop;
        const isNotScrolledPast = window.scrollY < imageBottom;
        if (isHalfShown && isNotScrolledPast) {
        } else {

# Event delegation and localStorage

  • It is better to listen for submit events rather because we cover cases where the user presses Enter or clicks with just that listener.

  • Forms have a built-in method called reset().

  • We can check the localStorage in DevTools -> Application -> Storage

  • We need to JSON.stringify() our items to see them in localStorage. We can also parse them afterwards.

  • Event delegation: we listen on the parent, and if the child matches what we want, we select it. Better than listening to all the children.

# CSS text shadow mouse move effect

  • We can add multiple text-shadow CSS to the same element.

  • If we are working with mouse position events like offsetX and offsetY, the positions reset once we enter the child elements of where we added our mousemove listener.

# Sorting band names without articles

  • We can do whatever we want inside of the sort() function. This will affect the sorting itself but NOT the final result of the sorted value.