# IAM and Account Management

  • IAM is a tool for managing accounts and account permissions
  • Never use the root account for anything. It is good practice to create sub-accounts with permissions for everything that we are going to do.
  • Always set up billing alerts with spending limits.
  • Always download the .csv file when prompted. The secret key is unique and we won't be able to get it again.
  • Use MFA auth.
  • Create an IAM user named admin and never use the root account for anything.

# S3

  • Initially, to host a site in an S3 bucket, the bucket name must match the domain name.
  • We need to set up each bucket's access policies. Amazon has a tool for generating those policies.


  • Everything we do in the dahsboard we can do it faster with the CLI.
  • At first, it is going to ask us for our secret code (from the previously downloaded .csv file)
  • We can have multiple CLI profiles (users) on the same computer.
  • We can automate a lot of things with a script once we learn the syntax.

# Route 53

  • We don't need to buy the domain name from Amazon to use Route 53.
  • For SPAs, we have to set the error page to index.html as well; because the routes in an SPA (React, Vue) are "fake" (client-side routing).
  • If we do, for example, mybucket.com, the address www.mybucket.com will not work. To work around it, we have to create another S3 bucket named www.mybucket.com and then redirect it to our original mybucket.com. So this www bucket only redirects traffic to the original one, it will be empty. We will also need to create a record set (see docs).

# CloudFront

  • CloudFront is used to spread our S3 bucket to CDNs around the world. It will also cache requests and do other optimizations that will make our site go faster.
  • Conceptually: S3 bucket === CloudFront distribution
  • We will create a CloudFront distribution and then redirect our R53 to this new CF distribution.
  • Because CloudFront will cache requests, when we make changes to our code it is important to invalidate the cache so that the users see the changes.
  • Everything we do on CF will take time, because it needs to propagate to a lot of data centers. Be patient.

# Lambda@Edge

  • It is basically a service to write Lambda functions for CloudFront.
  • We can do many things: redirect responses, add security headers, modify routes, etc. Check the Internet for examples.