echo 'Hello World';
$test = ['Pol', 'Marc', 'Joe'];
echo count($test);
- Prints information about a variable
- Dumps information about a variable:
- To concatenate, we use
like in JS) - Or
will parse the variable, like:"$string1 $string2"
- If we know the value is not gonna change, we can define Constants ->
define('GREETING', 'Hello friends');
# Arrays
- Indexed = normal
- Associative = we can define key-value pairs
$people = array('Pol' => 29, 'Elen' => 34); echo $people['Pol']; //prints 29
- Multidimensional = same like JS
# Loops
- For, While, Do..While, Foreach
foreach($array as $element){}
# Conditional Logic
-> exclusive or. Like||
, but only one has to be true (not both)
# Date
echo date('d');
echo date('m');
echo date('Y');
echo date('l');
//We can combine them
echo date('l, d-m-Y')
-> transforms a string to a timestamp- date can take
(format, timestamp)
# Includes
<?php include 'folder/file.php'; ?>
- use
when we want everything to stop if the file is not found. Can also userequire_once
# Superglobal Variables
- Variables that are available in all scopes
- Always written like this: